Water Chilling Plants Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters


About Us
PRITHVI PRECISION ENGINEERING Pvt.Ltd. have been serving its valued clients for more than 15 years. The company was started in mid - 1990s and is largely involved in Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Operations. Our timely Services & Quality has acquired good reputation since last fifteen years. PRITHVI PRECISION ENGINEERING Pvt.Ltd. is a completely technological driven company backed by experienced professionals and knowledgeable team. Technological and operational innovation underlined by commitment keeps PRITHVI PRECISION ENGINEERING Pvt.Ltd. in the frontiers of ice making plant manufacturer. It helped the company raise many an industry benchmark to newer heights amongst commercial ice making plant. • Cost efficient State-Of-The-Art ice making plant • To deliver Record Output for clients year after year • To rank among the Some of the Best in the field While you choose PRITHVI PRECISION ENGINEERING Pvt.Ltd. an ice maker as your business partner for the requirement of ice making plant, it is needless to say, come with finest customer support, and quality standards that has surpassed even the highest international norms. PRITHVI PRECISION ENGINEERING Pvt.Ltd. manufactures and exports technology driven engineering products like:- Tube Ice Generator, Flake ice plant, Block Ice plant, Condenser, EVAPCO Type Condenser, Ammonia Receiver, Blast freezer, Plate Freezer, Cold Storage, Cold Storage door, Containerized Block Ice Plant, Ice Cans. We are the largest manufacturers and suppliers of Tube Ice Plants throughout India with installations in various industries including hospitality, RMC, Seafood Processing, Chicken Processing, Chemical and Dye Manufacturing, etc. Tube Ice Plants are renowned throughout the world for their efficiency and maintenance-free characteristics. We are summarizing the benefits of Tube Ice over Block and Flake Ice and also providing you with the technical detail sheets for the various models. The benefits of Tube Ice are :- • HIGHEST ELECTRICITY EFFICIENCY - 15 to 20% saving over Flake / Block ice. • LOWEST OPERATING COST- Production efficiency without brine solution, cans, etc. using direct refrigeration principles. • LOWEST SPACE to PRODUCTION RATIO - Only 200 sq.ft. Required for 20 TPD machine making the Tube Ice machine one of the most sought after ice machines where land and building is expensive. Entire plant can be easily installed on the terrace of existing processing plants • MINIMAL MAINTENANCE - Machines are known to run with minimal or no maintenance due to inherent plant design and since only world-class indigenous components used. • FLEXIBLE BATCH CYCLE - Ice batch in less than 20 minutes ensures no wastage of electricity and allows for production planning. • LOWEST OVERALL INVESTMENT - Net Present Value of Tube Ice Plant greatest as compared to Flake/Block ice plant. • QUALITY ICE - The quality of the Tube Ice is actually better than the water it is made from since the impurities present in the water are moved to the center of the ice tube and discharged during defrost ensuring that clean, crystal ice tubes are formed. On the other hand, Block Ice is manufactured using the outdated method of salt water brine chilling and due to leaking ice cans, typically the block ice contains a high degree of salinity which has an adverse effect on the concrete structure. • UNIFORM MELTAGE - Since the tube ice is consistent in shape the tubes melt at an equal pace providing a uniform cooling media. • LABOUR COST SAVINGS - Due to minimal manpower expense related to ice crushing and wastage along with accurate and consistent weight the overall labour expenses are significantly lower. Comparison for Flake & tube Flake ice should therefore melt more rapidly than tube ice and so cool the fish more rapidly, but this depends very much upon the circumstances in which the ice is used. A greater weight of tube ice than of flake ice, with consequently greater cooling capacity, can be accommodated in a box of fish having limited space for ice, although it will probably melt more slowly than flake ice under similar conditions. One therefore has to decide what duty is wanted from the ice. Flake ice takes up more space than tube ice; it melts quickly and thus should cool the product more quickly, but requires a larger volume for the same cooling capacity and to ensure that cooling is continued for the required length of time. Tube ice, on the other hand, will provide more cooling capacity in a small space than flake ice and will continue to cool slowly for a long time in a warm atmosphere; it should thus be more useful for keeping fish cool in transit, for example chilled fish in uninsulated containers consigned inland. The larger the pieces of ice, the greater the possibility of damaging fish; tube ice is therefore more likely to make indentations than flake ice. Smooth pieces of tube ice should not mark fish so severely as jagged crushed ice. Theoretically losses through meltage of flake ice in storage should be more severe than with tube ice. In practice this seems not to be so, since the surface of the heap soon forms a thin skin when melt water trickles down, thereby effectively retarding the melting of the remainder. Tube ice is often wet on manufacture, and therefore storage should not be refrigerated, since the mass may congeal and the free-running properties are lost. Flake ice, too, can sometimes be wet through faulty manufacture. Caking of either type can occur at the sides or bottom of a heap if the container or room is not well insulated. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to work with you and we look forward to a long-term relationship. Please review the specifications below so that we can meet and derive a customized solution to meet your needs. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at
Tube Ice Plant, Flake Ice Plant, A/c & Deep Freezers, Replacement Spares, Heat Exchangers, Condensers, Cold Storage Eqpt, Plate/ Blast Freezers, Auto Drain Valves, Ventilation Systems, Fabricated Equipments, Spares & Services, Pressure Vessel
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